Save Yourself

Save Yourself

Walk with a passion
Act with a flame
Dance with a desire
Rebel with a cause

Move for yourself
Speak for yourself
Sing for yourself
Enjoy for yourself

You only have to answer to yourself
No one should be controlling you
You only have to make yourself happy
No one should impose any will contrary to yours on you

Perform with vulnerability
Captivate with conviction
Shine with sparks
Explode with serenity

Be you for you and no one else
Accept you for you so that you can live fully
Love you for you so that you can enjoy life
Save you for you because you are not anyone's burden

Not a burden to you
Not a burden to anyone
Not a burden to the world
Not a burden period

Its never too late to be yourself
Its never too late to forgive yourself
Its never too late to try to understand yourself
Its never too late to save yourself

Save yourself from peer pressure
Save yourself from inferiority complex
Save yourself from vanity
Save yourself from yourself