Your Puppet

I'm your puppet,
I'll do what you want,
I'll do what you need,
You hypnotized me,
I have fallen,
Fallen for you,
And I can't get out,
Of this powerful trance,
I want you to want me.
But then I remember,
I'm your puppet.

Your eyes,
So deep and focused,
Make my knees weak,
Just one glance,
Makes me fall for you.
I want you to see me,
The way I see you.
But then I remember,
I'm your puppet.

Your smile,
So wide and true,
Will make anyone fall for you.
One single smile,
And I faint at the sight,
I want you to smile at me,
But then I remember,
I'm your puppet.

Your hair,
So smooth and long,
Just gorgeous indeed.
Dark, it is,
Reflecting what you are.
I want to entwine,
My fingers in your hair,
But then I remember,
I'm your puppet.

Your features,
Make me fall,
Deeper into the trance.
You're everything I need,
But even if you control me,
It might be worth it.
I love you,
And that's why I remain...

Your puppet.
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