Ode to a twinkie

Every time
I see a school bus
filled with little,
white children,
I think of my favorite
recreational snack food:
The Twinkie.
Oh yes, the best
recreational snack food,
The Twinkie.
Yellow and white...
Two dull and boring colors,
But when it comes to food;
two amazing,
Mmmmm... Twinkies
A grand fluffy bite,
with a creamy filling.
Mmmmm... Twinkies
So soft and sweet, like the most beautiful
female-type person
you just want to cuddle with
...and make babies
Little Twinklets
Oh joy!
And then you have been presented with more wonderful food.
In my mouth.
Mmmmm... Twinkies
There was this Greek God
who ate his babies.
If they were Twinklets,
I can understand.
I love my Twinkie family
but I just can't resist.
I just want to
eat them all up
They are so cute
I just want to
eat them all up!
Mmmmm... Twinkies
I love you
♠ ♠ ♠
random twinkie poem!! XD
funny stuff....