The Look In Your Eyes

I love the look in your eyes when you smile. i see it every day
i remember the first time we met, and I got lost in your eyes.
I never seen anyone more beautiful.

I hate to see you cry, so when i first saw you do it, i hugged you and listened to the reason.
After we talked you stopped crying and smiled again. You kissed me on the cheek and we spent the rest of the day together.

The first time i saw you angry, the look in your eyes was fierce and strong.
You calmed down when you saw me.
That day I told you how I felt about you and the look in your eyes before you leaned in to kiss me said you did too.

I saw that look three more times.
The day that I loved you.
The day you said yes.
Most importantly was and always will be.
The day I married you.
♠ ♠ ♠
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