My mind has gone

I'm telling you right now
This is all I have to give
So please take it right now
After this I don't have a reson to live
You've taken my heart right now
Stolen it away
Shortened my breath right now
As it will come to stay
So please, please take my soul away
Don't leave me crying here
Among all the filth and decay
Please, I've given you everything
And now, I don't have a reason to stay
Heck, maybe I could get away
If I just tried
Open my soul
Let my heart fly
Away from you
You. Are.
The bane of my existence I gave you everything
And you went and wasted it
You. Are.
Everything I stand against in this life and more
You. Are.
The one thing in the back of my mind that makes me vomit and retch all alone
You are the only one who has stayed with me but you arethe evil one
Where has my mind gone?
I ask you where has my mind gone?
♠ ♠ ♠
Very random, I know. But I felt like writing a random poem and just spilling out a bunch of feelings into the open. Please attempt not to vomit after reading this everything I write tends to ramble after a while :)