i just need to talk

i just need to talk...
if someone would just listen
i just need to talk
is anybody paying attention

so here's the problem the story of my life
like most typical girls it starts with a guy
seventh grade i trusted him
by high school it was like i never knew him

so i closed up
my heart was shut down
then i met two people who turned my frown up side down
one i could trust and one i couldn't
little did i know with one my reputation was ruined

the one i could trust i like to call her my best friend
she has been with me through it all but at the moment we are lost
you see i closed up to her too and loosing her is the cost

she is a fighter she will never get up
every wall i try to build she just breaks it back down
she is my back bone
my right hand man
with her help i know i can open up again

as of now i am with this guy
but she doesn't like him and i don't know why
well that's a lie
she hates the guy who had made me cry

despite what she knows
i just went with the flow
no matter how it ends
she said she will always be my best friend
so loosing her is not the problem
trust him is

its complicated and twisted
no one seems to understand
that i just want him to be the perfect man