Cancer Patient

Intricate icelines fall from the sky
tingling every tortured cell
bare feet frozen blue by the concrete
her cloack of sickness drenched and transparent

and yet there she stood
taking in the releasement of the sky's tears
being in something only she could dream of for years
always looking out, and simply dreaming

but never getting to experience the true feelings
the white men said she wouldn't make it this far
not with her glass bones, and paper-thin skin

let's not even mention the damages in her lungs
her scars show through the absence of hair
and the long gashes across her chest
the signs of a survivor
She's fought a war, and barely made it out alive

the beaten woman slowly laid down on the concrete
staring up at a weeping sky, feeling complete
never had she ever a feeling of such pureness, and security

But the constant strife had made her tired
her eyes felt heavy and limbs weak
as she slipped into her dreams
she saw herself transform

eyes became emeralds
pure fire melted into a succulent turbulence
spanned behind her head in waves
skin grew snowy with stains of flush on the cheeks
her blue cloak shifted into a hunter green and gold dress of the most royal

Our beautiful heroine closed her eyes and slipped into a dream she'd never awake from