It's for Real!

Wow I can actually smile now,
And it not be a fake one,
People comment on happy i am,
Now its not and act,
Its for real!

I notice colours now,
Bright ones, and pretty ones,
I dont just hide behind black,
I feel kinda free, like a kid a chritmas
And its for real!

I dont mind getting up in the mornings,
Or dread leaving the house
I don't even cut anymore!
Wheyy no more scars :)
Its for real!

I look back on my sad past,
I'm greatful for those years,
They've made me a stronger person
They've made me grow up
And its for real!

I dont have to pretend anymore,
Lie to people about the reason of my tears,
I have no dark secrets, building up inside,
I'm finally me again,
Its not fake!!