Our Piracy Impatient

We have become a generation
Rotted with dissatisfaction,
Replicating the mind shell of addiction
And spilling it over our routines.
We have overcome creation,
Our evolution stunted,
Our piracy impatient.
We've lost sight with the beauty
In a chase,
For we just want trophies to stack.

We've forgotten how to soak up the drive,
For all we want is the destination.
We've forgotten that the journey
Is the best part of achievement.
Forgotten that the build-up,
The tease, the touch, feels even better
Than the climax at the end.
We're a generation, roughed and tumbled,
So we shelter ourselves
In padded boxes,
Silk shelves.
For, God forbid we let ourselves tumble again.

Our treasure is no longer about the hunt.