To My Boyfriend Who Will Never Read This

You make me feel like a princess,
Treating me right and making me happy,
But I always seem to hurt you.
Why do I do this over and over again?
You say it’s not my fault,
That you’ve always had this dark hole inside you
And that it occasionally takes over your mind.
But I know for a fact that I bring it out.
I feed it. Lure it out. Make it bigger. Stronger.
You tell me you love me,
You show me daily.
I really do love you, but I can’t say that.
I tell you instead that I care about you,
But I know it hurts that I don’t say
I love you too.
You say you understand why I won’t,
But that pain is there.
I see it in your eyes,
I hear it in your voice,
I sense it in that strange,
Sixth sense connection we have.
You treat me so well,
And you make me so happy;
Happier than I ever thought possible.
But no matter how hard I try,
I end up hurting you every single day.
So I’m telling you now, here,
Since I don’t have the courage to do it in person,
I love you so, so much,
More than I’ve ever thought possible.
Never think you’re not good enough for me,
Never think you’re too fat or too ugly.
You’re perfect to me,
And that’s all that matters.