Darkest Temptation

Dark temptation sucking me in
Seduction verses love who do you think will win
Oh you, who I desire
You don't know what you've gotten yourself in
These vampiric senses taking over
And I'm craving your body against mine
Blood for blood, tongue for tongue
I want to rip you apart with my bare hands
Taking in your curves
Just to mutilate you in bed

Dark thoughts in my head
You've gotten yourself in a mess
I'll lure you in like any other
One look in my eyes
And I'll hold you in these hands forever
Such a lovely prisoner to break to bones
Cutting into skin with pleasure
I'll take you places you never dreamed to be

Dark temptations sucking me in
Seduction verses love who do you think will win
Oh you, my ultimate sin
I'll strip you of your sanity
With kisses of death on your skin
So soft like a dolls
I want you in my collection

Darkness taking me over
I'm afraid you're just another victim
Love is such a weapon of destruction
Taking the best of the best
Then crushing them into nothing
Words have no meaning in my mind
It's the actions that speak above all

Dark temptation sucking me in
Seduction verses love who do you think will win
Oh you, who I desire
You don't know what you've gotten yourself in