Rule Maker

I am the rule maker
I am the rule breaker
I do it like this
I do it like that
Rules are made to be broken
I don't apologize
For my actions
They are my own
Im far too gone
Can't see the road
I've made a bond
To all who see me
I choose you
Don't try to be me
You haven't seen me
Don't be a hater
You'll only be a waiter
I aint gonna lie
Time does fly
Aint enough time
To finish this rhyme

To finish this rhyme
Aint enough time
Time does fly
Aint gonna lie
You'll only be a waiter
Don't be a hater
You haven't seen me
Don't try to be me
I choose you
To all who see me
I've mad a bond
Can't see the road
I'm far too gone
They are my own
For my actions
I don't apologize
Rules are made to be broken
I do it like that
I do it like this
I am the rule breaker
I am the rule maker
♠ ♠ ♠
A poem I wrote for my Creative Writting Club at school. It was written at a time dark in my life and I was a little rebellious at the time so I wrote this as a tribute to my wild side. (Though honestly I didn't do anything major really like drugs or a Harley) It could be rapped because of the beat it has but I originally wrote it as a free verse so here you go! Enjoy!