
We all die eventually,
so why can't we all just wait,
just a little bit longer?

People say suicide is selfish.
Think about it,
all the victims of suicide.
Those victims,
who were hurting so badly?
Those victims,
who didn't receive the help,
they needed so badly?
Those victims,
that wanted to be noticed,
but no one was there?
Those victims,
that either couldn't think of a single good thing in their life
or just didn't care anymore because
the bad overcame the good?
Those victims,
that chose the way out that was easiest?
Doesn't seem very selfish,
to me anyways.
Seems like,
they were victims of circumstance,
not selfish.

There is pity for the people left behind.
The people who wonder,
could they have done something differently?
The people who hope,
that this is all a dream,
a nightmare really,
and that the one they care about will come back,
to live another day.
The people who regret,
not saying they loved the victim one more time,
not smiling at the victim one more time,
not giving the victim a shoulder to lean on,
not having the chance to say good bye.

They say suicide,
has a domino effect.
With all the pain,
those left behind feel;
those that just want,
to join
and see their friend,
their brother,
their sister,
their cousin,
their love,
Is it really so surprising?
♠ ♠ ♠
I, in no way, encourage or approve of suicide as my poem might suggest. Those that do commit suicide are victims, but that does not excuse them from the act they have committed. Those that have experienced a friend's passing through suicide, I am so sorry for it really is a horrible thing.