XxThe Girl No One Would SeeXx

There was a girl everyone would walk over and push to the curb.
But when she would speak no one seemed to listen.
She spent most of her time crying alone.
But until she met a boy who changed her.
She falls for him.
Secretly he does too.
She tells him everything he listens to the depth of heart.
He saw something in her no one else did.
Her sweet caring heart is what he saw.
The girl was happy to see him care the way he did.
No one showed her that they cared she didn't think it existed.
But it changed.
Because he showed her to not be afraid of it.
Because he loves her.
She didn't know what love was either.
Until he showed her how too.
She may be afraid to say that she is fearful of losing him.
She had bad relationships in the past.
But she is sure of this one.
Because she loves him for him.
No other guy can replace him.
She learned to love, care, and take risks without being afraid.
And trust her heart again.