Happy New Year

Another year over.
Has it gone already?
So fast.
Not much has changed,
Except I'm older.
Should we celebrate?
Apparently so.

But it is nice,
Isn't it,
Spending time with the family
And counting down.
Lots of food,
Lots of drink;
One day of the year
When it's okay
To stay up ridiculously late.

The clock ticks seconds away,
Ticks years away,
Ticks life away.

Happy bloody New Year.

I can't wait
Until it's meaningless.
Twelve in the morning
On the thirty first of December
Means nothing to me.

I'm boring
And morbid
And bitter -
I know.

But it's just the way
I feel.
Either way,
I still wish everyone
A good one,
Because you deserve it.
Be happy,
Drink lots,
And love your family.

Happy New Year,
And good night;
Good morning.