Being let down by god himself

Nightly sorrow filled with pain,
Wont go away like a blood stain,
Soft words whispered off the lips,
Tears slide down the face ending with a drip,
Hands put together leaning over weakened knees,
Ending ever sentence with a please,
Heart shaken bones,
Head hurts as if you have been hit by stones,
Begging hoping someones their to listen,
Finishing words with ambition,
Please don't let him die of sickness,
Please let him get bet better with fitness,
Thought i had some type of success,
Sadly i didn't see any progress,
I sit here picking up my broken heart piece by piece,
My happiness fades with a large decrease,
I thought he was listening i thought he cared,
Why couldn't it have been his life spared,
Someone who I thought was always there,
Damn life is so unfair,
Anyone have a extra heart to spare?
God didn't answer my prayer...