Stop the Clocks

Do you ever feel
as if your spinning out of control--
the world rushing around you,
but its all a blur--
not quite in focus.

As your life flashes past you
like strangers on the street,
do you ever stop to think
what it would be like
if the world slowed down?

What if all the clocks in the world
stopped ticking--for one day?
Schedules were stopped,
No planes flew from the airport,
no buses drove the streets,
all the taxi cabs had flat tires--
just for one day.

If people stopped rushing,
and the world stopped spinning,
blurring past you,
what would you see?
What would you change?

If for one day--only 24 hours--
life wasn't so crazy,
to complicated,
what would the world be like?
Six billion people taking it slow,
for one day,
what would they discover?
