Living Nightmare

Walking down the street, a gun in your hand.
You hear them, the... What the hell are they?
Dead? Living? We can't say for sure.
Terror. Anger. Hate. Sadness. Pain.
It's all these creatures inspire.
Welcome to the Living Nightmare.

Just how much can we take?
We walk, hand in hand, and the putrefying odor hangs in the air.
All we knew, all we loved... Gone because of these things.
What the hell can we do? Surely there's something.
We can't just let ourselves be destroyed.
This is a god damn Living Nightmare.

We find more survivors. Only four, but it triples our chances to survive this.
They're all acting strange, though.
All I can say is "I hope they aren't taken. Not like them..."
Just our luck... They are...
They take the last one of their group, the last human among them. We take the chance and run.
We truly are in a Living Nightmare.

Outnumbered, outrun.
They caught you. I tried to save you.
But I failed. Does it have to end like this? I hate this!
But we were as good as dead already. What choice did we have?
Next thing we know, we're following these things...
We have become part of the Living Nightmare...
♠ ♠ ♠
Think you would have what it takes to survive?