Love, What is it?

What is love?
I mean true love
Not that love where you only have physical attraction and that is all you have in common
That is not love
That is mere lust
Nor do I mean “puppy love”
Puppy love is when you always want to be by their side
You’re always kissing
And cuddling
Making cutie names and all that
That is a sugar coated love
That love eventually will die in time
(Doesn’t mean it’s not worth it, because it is)

But then there is love
Just love
Nothing attached to it
And with love there is good and bad
And a bond
But it is rare and hard to find
I believe it is something that can not be found
But may only stumble upon
It may turn up in the least likely place
And if you a searching you will not see it

But if you find it and follow it
Be sure to know it is never an easy path
There are fights
There are tears
There is pain

But with love
You have someone with you
Someone who will go through it with you
Not just try to cover it up
They will do what ever it takes
And that is rare
There is a saying
“A relationship can not survive on just love”
That is because love fades and restores
But there needs to be something there to hold two people together when it fades
That is also why it is even rarer

If you see old couples
They aren’t always cuddling or calling each other cutie names
They may even seem to hate each other at times
But if it came down to it they would die for one another
So love
Real love
True love
Is not a sugar coated fantasy
It may even seem to be a battlefield at times
And true love
True love is something that takes years to develop
So don’t bother trying to find true love when you are young
For it will take years in a relationship to realise and be created
And teen hood is meant for discovery of yourself
But still if you can find love or even puppy love be happy
For it is what we need at this point in time
And don’t search because you may miss them
When they are right under your nose
And even if it’s not for life its still worth it

To all you searching for love
Let it find you
Don’t try to find it
When it is time you will know
If you wait
As hard as it may be

And if you think you’ve found someone
Then they dump you
Or it doesn’t turn out
Move on
Because they were not meant to be the one
And another will come again
They may come one by one
They may leave just as they came
For easy come, easy go
To find the next love
It may take a day; it may take a month, year, maybe even years
But I can assure you it will come