
A new year 
A new tear 
Nothing more 
How much shall I endure?
Nothing less
I'll watch this year as it grows- the mess. 
2012 means nothing
Nothing but another year of hell 
More of 'I'm fine, can't you tell ?' 

But new years isn't always bad you see
It's one more step to finding the real me 
Maybe I'll stop my self harm
Maybe there won't be fresh cuts on my arm 

Or maybe it'll will be 10 times worst than last 
Maybe the dreams won't stop, the ones about my past. 
Maybe more people will notice the cuts
Maybe I'll get help, before my soul completely shuts 

Or maybe I'll just end it all this year 
Maybe my time is almost here
Perhaps I'll cut too deep next time
Maybe I'll run out of words to rhyme.