A melancholy attraction

The screaming of a silent room leaves one’s conscience soaring
The heartbreak of one to satisfy another
A game of who’s not it and who is

The façade of a beauty hiding behind screen
Letting everyone else be the queen
She’s lost herself in the perfection in the glass
Trying to please everyone else

She settles down in her field of snap dragons
And wonders of a better possibility

Her insomniac eyes search for a solution
Skeletal fingers reach out for the dauntless beauty

But she doesn’t realize the horror
Of her decisions and mistakes
Now she knows and regrets
She sits and listens to her own glass heart
As it shatters upon the floor

Never mind the constant tearing apart of the knight
Or the nightmares from a worrisome wizard

She never asked for this
Never knew her melancholy disposition
Would attract such butterflies to such
A dangerous flame

The elders warned them long ago
To be cautious of this silly creature
That she wasn’t to be trifled with or chased
For she was fire in human form