Simply Mad

I fell down a rabbit hole
And ended up in wonderland

But darling, my name’s not Alice
I’m no hero meant to kill a dastardly villain
I’m simply here to enjoy the downfall

I’m made of badluck and a touch of malice
My bottle? Oh it says drink me, alright.
But dear, it’s filled with spider venom
With it, I tend to go a bit insane

I crawled through this little door
And ended up in a jungle,
Well it was more like a kaleidoscope
With reds, blues, yellows, and rainbows
Twas a turbulence of colors with circles and swirls

My sense of time in a constantly moving pocketwatch
Of a hurrisome hare destined to find his red queen
Following a set of bread and butter flies, you shall find
A bed filled with rather speciest flowers
“Do you suppose she’s a wilflower?” they shall whisper
But decide you are nothing more than a Oblaybogarous

After a quick foot race, you shall find
A caterpillar with a hookah pipe that is exactly 3 inches tall
That turns into a colorful butterfly and viciously sends you on your way

Being lost in a forest is no fun, especially in the world of the insane
A cat of peculiar colors showed me the way
Lead me through the dense forest,
To a simple tea party for the insane.
With switching of the chairs, and offerings of tea
After tale of a little bat, a raven and a writing desk, I left

To the red queen’s domain where a stack of cards painted the roses red
With the bells and trumpets came the red queen, her king, knights and cards
Noticing something different about me, she offered me a deal
Join and play crochet, a game not meant for one such as I to win
With no judge but her, and a jury against me, I ran

After all, this isn’t a story where the good person wins
My name was never Alice, I’m an outsider with the luck to watch
As she goes on her journey, that turns into just a dream
I unlocked the door for her, as slipped into awareness
Maybe I’m just as bad as everyone else
Maybe I’m just simply mad