Oh Heroine

This deafening silence is ringing in my ears
What was up, is now down in another place
My picture perfect appearance is shattering right before my eyes
I’ve lost control and my mind is quickly fading
Another’s wish granted mine yet again forgotten

We’ve hear stories like this before
Where the poor pathetic heroine lays beside the river

But no not this time
I’m not giving into my self depressants
Lost in an array of confusion, I am.
But not lost to my heart’s wants
Or the wishes of a desperate dreamer
The constant wonderings won’t leave her mind to rest

She was born spring, fresh and innocent to this world.
Then summer came, and she was airy and free to be
Autumn slowly drifted around, and she started to fade away
When winter came, she was barely there, mind blank and dead
Allowing her decisions to be made her overseers

And then, in an instant, a speuratic spark, she came back
Alive and angry she was
Striving to gain what was once lost.
A war left to be won, and she wasn’t giving up this time