Nightmares live on.

Life was easy enough, quaint enough, simple enough,
For a ten year old boy how didn't have it rough.
Running, laughing, having fun was gone after that day
I asked my sweet mss Alex if I could come play, but how was I know the suffering would come this way.
Another afternoon with my friend
Wishing this day couldn't end.
When a man named Don came to watch us
How was I to know his sick hard lust
I walked into a room with a man pinning a girl
as my head began to whirl
I wanted to run, get away but nothing I could say.
The cold words I will never forget "hold her down, or die" I still have the marks to prove this stroy.
What he did to her had no form of glory
With the pushing and pulling and prodding and choking and cuttng and biting.
Now I was to hurt the girl I had promised to protect.
I still wake up in a cold sweat, shaking and shivering
No one is to know my secret but living a life of lies
Making the feeling for looking eyes
I dream of when I can sleep a night away
Without another sacrafice of the day.
Don the demons name will live in my heart forever
But never will the angle of Alex leave her tombstone behind to desiver
Her mortal ties with this earth
♠ ♠ ♠
first thing to come from my lips is months