You Boy...

You Took my heart,
loved me and cared,
Oh boy how you took
my heart away, falling
in love more and more
throught the each and everyday,
Those sweet smiles, innocent
feeling, your love and care
Oh how i love you boy,
we have been through so much in our
days together,, Then one day
it all changed.
You told me the truth,
that you never loved me,
never even cared, Told me
to never speak of or to you again,
you told me to Fuck off,
Oh boy how you hurt me,
you hurt me so well, and
so bad that i may never
love again, may never care again,
Boy you changed my life forever,
in good and bad ways,
What ive learned is,
life can throw things and people at you,
just to see how you handle it and life its self,
and boy i hope you realize just
how much i love you, just
how much i cared for you, i hope it
hurts you as much as it hurt me,
then you just let me go,
So Fast, so quick,
so boy im don't being sad about you,
ive spent to much time and to much
of my life to think about you anymore,
because oviousally, you don't care that im
hurting, on the inside and out,
so boy im finally going to let you go,
i now realize that every sweet word that came out of your mouth,
was nothing but bull Shit,
i now know i did not mean enough
to you to deserve the truth,
So boy, im moving on to something,
or someone, someone much better then you will ever be,
and when you finally realize what you just
gave away, and you want me back, well be then it will be too late,
i will have found someone much
more loving and caring,
and maybe then you will realize that,
i did love you,
i did care, i did everything
i could for yo, see if you can
find another girl who will put up with your you and your shit,
like i did boy,
because i know you wont find another like me,
So boy im finally ready to let you go,
so hear it goes,
you officially mean nothing to me anymore,
i promise you that i will never come back to you again,
all i want is to pretend like the last 7 months never even happened,
like i never met you,
because that way it will be easier for me,
to let you go,
so Good-Bye boy,
Hope you life is a burning hell
without me,
hope you burn in hell Asshole,
now good-bye forever, i know i will be more then,
okay Without YOU!
i want you to know im
Not going to cry over you anymore,
Because honestly i have no more tears left,
For you anymore,
no one will ever hurt me again like you did, ever
So boy good-bye Forever

P.S. Hope this hurts you as much as it hurts me :/ </3

Love yours Truly,