One day...

One day you'll get what's coming.
One day you'll understand what you put me through. 
One day you'll see what you made me into. 
One day I'll be free. 
One day I can live my life knowing you can't control any part of it. 
One day I can learn to trust again. One day I can show my true emotions. 
One day I can stop hating you. 
One day I can stop blaming myself. One day I can break free of my shell.
One day I can stop enveloping myself in music. 
One day I can see people for who they really are. 
One day I can stop being afraid. 
One day I can sleeping with the lights of and kiss the nightmares goodbye. One day I can stop pretending like everything's all right. 
One day I can share my emotions with people. 
One day I can stop holding it in. 
One day I can trust a guy again. 
One day I can stop seeing you in people. 
One day I can live without the memories. 
One day I can live without the memories of a father. 
One day I can forget about you. 
One day I can love again. 
One day I can breathe. 
One day I can live.