To Danielle

Someone who is gentle
Yet Fiery and fun
when she walks into a darkened room
she lights it up like the sun

Her nature is fun and loving
but also kind and true
her mind is clear and thoughtful
and she always knows what to do

Her eyes are as brown as coffee
and her spirit brighter than light
With always a smile on her face
she is but a beautiful sight

Her face is like the shining moon
beauty in the darkest of nights
ready to defend her friends in need
ready to defend and fight

She is my friend
that is worth more than gold
she has my trust
which most do not hold

This i write to you Danielle
These words i say are true
this is my gift my dear friend
my Christmas gift to you
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah i wrote this for a girl i like, she asked for a poem. I reacently told her that i really like her and she said she's not sure how she feels about me.