Happy Again

Life is looking up.
Its a new year.
I already have things planned out.
Applejack is getting better.
I'm smiling again.
I'm eating.
I'm living.
I'm taking a new step into a new life.
I got opportunities ahead of me.
Noel wants me to show two of his BEST horses.
I'm showing one in February.
I'm happy again.
I don't have pain anymore.
I have happiness.
I smile.
I laugh.
I don't see life as bad anymore.
I'm happy.
I got my horses with me.
They hold my secrets.
They hold my tears.
They make me live.
They make me strive on.
They make me smile.
My horses,
The ones I love,
The ones who keep me sane,
They make me live,
Strive on,
but more importantly,
My horses make me who I am.
♠ ♠ ♠
True poem.
Noel is the barn's owner I go to.
I only have one horse but the other two are FANTASTIC and I'm riding them.
So yea...