
Another nameless face in the crowd,
But with piercing eyes.
Frequently far away in a dream;
Looking past you
Then straight into your soul.
As I strolled down those halls.
Of course the hair was something I could recall.
Something different from them all.
Sampson in disguise.
Automatically captured my mind.
Just Reponzal to me,
But once he finally spoke
I felt the elecrticity.
No static shock pun intended.
It’s just that me and him
Is a companionship I haven’t regretted.
What started off as an attraction
Quickly changed to a stolen heart,
Pefectly constructed in the shape of friendship.
It was destined once I witnessed his talent.
So maybe I’m a nerd?
But he’s a geek.
I’m tinky winky.
He’s Barney,
While jotting down thoughts
And seeing the world in a purple light.
Yes, we’re alike
But extremely different in so many ways.
His poetry tends to leave me breathless
with no words left to say.
But even when I catch my breath;
Being able to speak,
A kind word doesn’t seem to be released
Because he can be aggrivating.
So I can’t help but push and shove.
The cockiness makes me roll my eyes.
I give icy glares and dirty looks.
But its all out of love.
Or just an unknown emotion…
That I can’t seem to explain.
I know its what keeps him around,
Because he’s not the type I would keep.
While having to cut through sarcasm so thick
Always felt the need to water down kremas with ice
He doesn’t throw in his two cents
He throws in the whole dime
Yet somehow it works as I feel I can laugh
I’m thick skinned so I look passed it
As it only repels off my armor
That I still feel I can’t take off
As I hesitate to break down my wall
Since comfort doesn’t come easily with me.
Which he can effortlessly see
As I play the interwier but not the interviewee
And to think not to long ago,
he was just another nameless face
Now he’s my dreadhead
Who doesn’t understand the word personal space!
Yet he hasn’t filled in every space
And I haven’t filled in all the blanks.
Sure, he talks a lot,
But theres still so much left to say…