One Month Later

You'd think after awhile I'd be fully over him. Jason, the guy who I gave everything to and put my all into whatever we had. I had hopes and dreams of a future with him, hell he was the first guy I saw any of that with..but of course it still hurts when I hear his name, or look for him on my street waiting to see him walking towards my house for a visit. Who am I kidding, he's never gonna come back around again...

I was walking home with one of his ex's Elisia, and all three of us were pretty much in a love triangle back in middle school, but that's a whole other story itself. It was after chorus practice and we just started getting into conversation about our boy problems. I'm not really friends with her, close wise. But I ended up spilling about what was on my mind about Jason and she currently broke up with her boyfriend a couple days ago, so she goes on telling me about how she's been talking to Jason 24/7 and yada yada. She soon got my attention quickly.

"I went over his house the other night and hung out." that alone hit me like a ton of bricks. He would come all the way to town just to get her and spend time with her. "Oh, fun." She was stupid to not of notice how quickly my mood changed. Then she throws in my face his input on mine and his break-up. Then said after that "Don't worry Tia, you'll find someone better". Dang right I could, and I will!

It's not even the point anymore though dude. It's just the fact that I put my all into what we had and that wasn't good enough. The one person that ever mattered to me couldn't freaking realized how much he meant to me and that I'd pretty much do anything for him. It really takes a toll on me, more than I expected.