
I was your little girl so beautiful and smart
but then your hate got to my heart
Is this the way its meant to be
for you to scream and yell at me
Just cause you hate your fucking life
don't make me be your sacrifice
Let me die and leave this place
and you wont have to see my face
Never watching my tears fall
or seeing my blood all over the wall
Your supposed to love me your supposed to care
but now a days that love is rare
Its sad when your mom has that much hate
making you want to just escape
So please let me run and leave you here
let me take my life and let me steer
Away from you is all I want
cause your a hateful bitch you fucking cunt
So fuck the world and FUCK you too
cause once im gone it'll be me not you
Whose finally happy and finally free
from the fucking hate that you showed me...