Unwanted Advice

You look at my children and shake your head
Criticizing eyes, filled with judgement and dread

You think they need discipline and should not have fun
I just see kids laughing, playing and wanting to run

Pull me aside and try to force your unwanted advice
Do you really think your persuasion will make me think twice?

You think your so smart, with your "perfect" children
Well I don't believe in hitting, I sit down and listen

I have discipline and control
More than you'll ever know

So when you nit-pick and snicker
It just makes my skin thicker

Cause forever I will protect and love
Only one who can judge me is the Man up above

Rolling your eyes and giving your two scents
I will never conform at my childrens expense

So here's your warning
Cause rage is forming

Just keep your mouth shut and mind your business
Cause I will defend and fight for my kids with the quickness