Darkness Comes to Light

I hastily paced back home trying to fight against the bitter gusts of wind that marked autumn’s return. I grinned as I thought about how ecstatic my friend Keisha would be since fall has finally arrived. She has never been a fan of the summer’s heat. I continued walking with my hood up and with my hands shoved in the petite pockets of my sweater but suddenly I stopped dead in my tracks as I came across a dark figure hiding in the shadows of the night. This dark figure was facing my way as if it were intently gazing at me.

This shape definitely seemed feminine. She quickly looked away as she noticed that I could see her. She was standing up straight with pride and remained motionless. I continued to stare. However, I eventually walked away but hid in an ally where she wouldn’t be able to see me. I was hoping that she would think that I left and then reveal herself. Curiosity has definitely taken the best of me at this point.
After this figure saw me leave, she dropped to the ground oblivious to the fact that I was watching her every move. As she laid there on the cold hard ground, she let out heavy sobs while screaming the word failure into the night. Failure… her deepest fear. Although she seemed upset she immediately picked herself up while she wiped her face. Perhaps she was wiping tears from her cheeks but it was still too dark for me to tell.

I ran toward her filled with sympathy as I reached out my hand but she refused to take it. She brushed off herself with that same stance of pride signaling to me that she could take care of herself. And still I couldn’t quite tell who this young lady was because of the darkness of the night. I asked her what’s wrong but she just shook her head and refused to open up. As I continued to try and get answers out of her I noticed a notebook next to her and it was over flowing with loose leaf papers. It reminded me of Keisha’s journal. I continued to question the young lady but she wasn’t answering me so finally I decided to leave feeling helpless.

As I reached toward the end of the street, I turned and saw that the young lady stepped under a street light where I could see her clearly. The light made her so luminous. It made me wonder how she could even blend in with the darkness but I was especially shocked as I realized that I knew this young lady. She was wearing a long white gown. This white was so pure and blank; as blank as her mind because her thoughts were unreadable. I was surprised to see a radiant smile on her face but I could tell that it only hid her pain. She was also wearing an earthly green sash for how down to earth she is. A heart was placed on her sleeve because she is a kind and caring individual, however her other sleeve was ripped off which seemed out of place with the rest of her outfit. This sleeve was ripped off because it represents how easily you can be cut off if you take advantage of her kindness. But I knew that the sleeve could easily be sewn back because she is a girl filled with forgiveness.

I noticed that the notebook overflowing with papers was now hidden because she refuses to open up, due to her fear of getting hurt. Her only way of releasing her feelings is through her paper and pen. This night just became even stranger because this mysterious girl turned out to be my friend Keisha.

Suddenly everything was fading to black as I woke up from my sleep. It was all just a dream yet it felt so real. I shifted to the side of my bed and saw that Keisha was asleep on my floor. I was finally coming back to reality as I remembered that we were having a sleep over. I laughed as I thought about how much Keisha would love to hear this story of my dream in the morning. But before morning could come I found myself falling back asleep for the night. This was a night of insight; a night of colorful dreams