Nothing Hurts

There's an uneasiness in my stomach,
A smile on my face,
I'm proud.
I'm not afraid.
I'm smiling.
I'm happy again.
Life is looking up,
There's no way in hell that anything is going to get me down.
Depression isn't taking me over,
Therapy is going well,
School is today.
I'll walk through those doors,
And my haters can look the other way,
They can say what they want,
They can hate me,
It doesn't hurt,
Nothing hurts anymore,
I got one thing on my mind,
They keep me going.
I don't care about the haters,
The bitches,
The asses,
The fakers,
The preps,
The liars,
I don't care about those who think negatively about me,
I'm happy to be alive,
To stand on my own two feet,
To be able to live again,
To take everything in stride,
To be able to make the best out of the worst.
God creates us to destroy us.
We all go through pain,
I've taken my fair share,
But we all deserve happiness today,
I'm getting mine.
I'll still play my facade,
I'll still fake smile,
I'll act happy for everyone,
But now,
Sometimes I'm not acting,
Sometimes I actually am happy,
Sometimes that smile everyone knows as my smile;
Will be different,
It won't be fake,
It'll be real,
Because there's less pain in my life,
There's less stress,
Less horribleness,
There's happiness.
In the year 2012,
Kenzie - me - will be happy.
My goal,
Have the best year possible.
It already started out well,
I'm going to make it end,