Singing Rain

The clouds hang above to veil the stars
Where life and love and joy are.
The stars are masked by the rains lament,
and the air is filled with mist's ascent.

I gaze into this rain drenched night,
So bleak and lifeless, void of light.
I listen to this pounding rain
And i watch the clouds and bask in pain.

Through the chill night, wind is rushing.
By the bank, the creek is gushing.
This beauty masks the ire inside;
Within the storm, resentment hides.

The trees bent stiffly, wet with rain.
Their trunks scream loudly in this pain.
Withing the tempest hate is borne.
The storm wails loudly in its scorn.

I know why these clouds are black as coal;
They are the hate and fear within my soul.
They veil the beauty with my pain.
The hide the dancing stars...with the singing rain...