
Black is all he sees.
All He will ever see

But his personality is filled with colors

Red for his protective side, the side that will hold you close
And throw punches just as fast

Orange for his funny side, the side that cracks corny jokes
Just to make you feel better.

Yellow for his happy side, the side with the smile that will make you smile back,
And make you hug him back

Green is for his loving side, the side that will say “I love you”,
And the side that truly means it.

Blue is for his calm side, the side that will give you good advice,
And the side that is you’re mentor

Purple is for his scary side, the side that no one else sees,
And the side that makes you scared for him

Picking me up from school he would say
“Prince Charming can be
Deaf, Blind, Disabled
As long as he is your
Prince Charming who cares?”

Now he doesn’t pick me up from school any more.
Now he looks at me and I know all he sees is black.

But all off these sides are still there, there’s just a little more purple now.

I walked into my house that day and look around something isn’t right and I don’t know what it is. Everything is dark and scary. Something is off. I hear faint sounds and walk toward them and I overhear my parents talking.

“Should we tell her?”

“I don’t know. She’ll find out anyway”. Somehow I knew they were talking about me and that scared me more.

“Yes, she will”

“Come on. Let’s go, I heard her come in”. I quickly turn and rush toward the front door. My parents come out of the room and look at me.

“Hey April” I smiled softly.

“Hey! What’s up?”

“Sit down please” I nod and pull out a chair from the table and sit.

“April, there’s been an accident” I nod, biting my lip waiting for the worse part.

“April, Henry is in the hospital. He is in the ICU” I gasp and watch them.

“You’re lying. It’s not true it can’t be true! I saw him this morning and he was fine!!” I wrap my arms around my stomach, trying to block out the pain because although I know it’s true. I still want to deny it.

“April, we aren’t. Do you want to see him?”

I sit there frozen. Not knowing what to do or how to react. Henry had been in an
accident. I know the ICU means intensive care unit which means that it is bad.

Henry was my life long friend. We grew up together. Our parents are best friends. Henry was one year older then me but despite everything we stayed close. Henry was everything to me. He was my friend, companion, family and everything. Over the years, I had kind of developed a crush on him. He was seventeen now and I was turning sixteen in three days. As we drove to school we were talking about what we were going to do for my birthday. I feel my body shaking and I feel tears running down my face but I can barely react to it. I feel like I’m not in my body anymore.


I look up at my parents who are watching me with heartbroken expressions. “Please, I want to see him?”

They both look at each other and nod. I bow my head and get up. “Let’s go”

The drive to the hospital was silent with my parents occasionally looking back at me. I’m curled up in the back seat, looking out the window. I would say I’m fine and try to help my parents worry less but I can’t, I just can’t.


We walked into the hospital and I looked around. The smell of disinfectant hit me and it made me scrunch up my nose. This smell is the opposite of what Henry would want.
He always liked the outdoors, the natural smells that the world had. He always said he hated it when I wore perfume because it covered p the fact that I smelled like peaches. This smell is about as far from natural as you can get. I follow as the nurse leads us to a room and I watch as we pass the rooms filled with people crying and silently watching as their loved ones died away from them. I walked into his room and froze.

There he was..Henry. On the bed, his torso covered in bandages and....his eyes. His eyes were covered in bandages!!!

“He lost his sight in the accident. Glass flew everywhere” the nurse said as if that would fix anything. I look at my parents.

“Why don’t you find his parents? I need sometime alone, please?” they nod and walk out. I sit down next to him.

“Henry? It’s me, April. Look you can’t die okay? You have to live. You’re my best friend. You can’t leave me all alone. You have to be with me. You can’t go if you did who would yell at me for stealing your ipod or watching movies on your computer too much. You can’t die on me now Henry. I need you so much. I love you” I look at him and run my hand threw his brown hair. “I love you, there I said it but that means that you can’t leave me alone until you have said it back to me, okay?”