Gretel And Hansel

As she walked through the woods,
A look of glum upon her face,
She searched and searched, High and Low,
For a familiar place,
As the night drew ever near,
Thoughts of dark provoked her fear,
She began to quicken her pace and stride,
Looking for a safe place to hide,
In the distance she could hear,
Children's Laughter and Children's Cheer,
From the trees they skipped along,
Humming sweetly to a joyful song,
"Can you help me little dears,
And take me from these dreadful fears?"
With this the witch coughed and sighed,
Thankful of these children to confide,
With a smiler on their face,
with cotton socks and satin lace,
They led the witch to their home,
And she followed without a groan,
They came to a clearing on the wood,
And there -- A candy House stood.
The walls were built of bricks of toffee,
And in the garden lay a fruity lolly,
The roof was made of sugar tiles,
And gob stoppers lay in humongous piles,
The sight before her was but a dream,
Is it true? It does not seem!
Through the door lay a feast,
A mountain of candy, and a quiche!
"Tuck in" the children in unison,
And with that the witch eyed a fruit bun,
For days and days she ate and ate,
Unaware of her dreadful fate,
She grew and grew 'til she could grow no more,
Until she was too fat to get out the door,
"The house i shrinking!" she wailed and cried,
She was too big, she had nowhere to hide,
And there her body had stretched too much,
She panicked and looked for something to clutch,
And with that the house fell quiet and eerie,
But Gretel and Hansel seemed awfully cheery,
As she grew her buttons popped,
She looked away, her heart stopped,
She took a final gasp of air,
And with a BOOM she was no longer there,
The End.

This is the poem i wrote as a twisted version of a fairy tale, for my English Speaking and Listening :)
Hope you liked it .. please comment =)