
i. I am cracked

a cutter of broken promises, because
I was always unable to resist temptation;

scarred – and for that I apologise because
I hurt you when it happened;

a girl who is not pure but for one thing
I hold onto so tightly, it’s slipping away;

someone who’ll listen and offer some-
thing in return but will not ever fully trust you.

ii. I am shrinking

a person who looks in the mirror and cries
because there are so many reasons to;

obsessed with bones, of a too-thin me, that
I can’t seem to achieve, but I’ll keep trying;

filled with questions and uncertainties, a girl who wraps
the belt around her neck to see what death could look like;

damaged by you and yet you are the most trust-
worthy person in my life – Tell me it wasn’t your fault.

iii. I am isolated

plagued by flashes in my head that couldn’t possibly
have happened – it didn’t happen, it didn’t happen;

alone, at three a.m. in the morning, when I can
still see the moon from my window…I sob;

shamefully an addict of a bliss that silences whirl-
wind emotions, but is caused by evil things;

a person with ink-stained fingers, paint splatters on my knee,
coffee stains on my desk and swollen eyes in the morn.

iv. I am hoping

no longer innocent but I’d like you to keep that
illusion in mind for now, because I wish it was true;

tormented in the night-time when nightmares
seem like realities – or maybe they’re just real;

hoping and hoping for someone to help me save
myself because I can’t do this on my own;

I am me, broken and crying, but somehow still
walking through the minutes every day.