Why Lose Weight?

You ask me why losing weight is important to me?
I wonder how you could not possibly see?

Not just for health reasons, it's in my life everyday
I am affected by everything cause of how much I weigh

Men don't take the time to see the real me
Once my weight is down, they will notice I guarantee

Wanting to be the ultimate object of desire
I want to set hearts aflame and souls on fire

I know I am fat
I will admit that

My pants are far too tight
Getting into my clothes is a fight

I want to feel more out-going
To wear jeans without flab showing

Attractive people get treated different
And to me, that's just ignorant

I kow this may sound funny
But thinner people make more money

I know the sex will get better
To make love will be a pleasure

I need to practice portion control
Not like my stomach is a bottomless hole

Demanding bad habits, my sweet addictions
Tormented daily by these cruel afflictions

To feel equal to every person I meet on the street
Not wanting to hide in shame, turn and retreat

I want people to notice my style and grace
Not for being a big girl that has a pretty face

To finally stop shopping in the plus size section
To look in the mirror and only see perfection

My current life is soda, fast food, and being lazy
Add high blood pressure and overweight, I must be crazy

How could I treat my life with such disdain?
Carrying this weight has caused me so much pain

No more excuses about the weight I have gained
The discipline and drive must be maintained

To have more energy and be physically fit
Not to be out of breath and just want to quit

To build muscle and burn fat
Is something I need to work at

Yes that would make me happy, I must admit
To prove to everybody that said I couldn't do it!