

They call me midnight.. My soul as dark and empty as the midnight sky.. Heart cracked.. Revealing shreds of light like the stars that shine at night.. I walk along the sidewalks, hiding in the shadows.. Watching.. Seeing everyone live their happy lives... Wrappin my arms tightly around myself.. Feeling the loneliness eating at my soul.. Invincible.. The secrets u hid crawling under my skin like tiny little spiders looking for a way out.. The lies play over and over in my mind.. As if a movie that refuses to end.. Walkingthe streets, invincible to all.. Hands to my face.. Shaking my head as if I could shake the thoughts from my mind that consume me.. everyday, every night.. In the midst of every dream.. I dnt belong to u.. "Let me go!!!!" I scream... I no longer wish to live like this.. Like a prisoner... trapped... I refuse to fight FOR you anylonger.. I must let it a go.. I no logger wish to walk these streets crowded by darkeness.. You sold ur soul to the Devil when u let me go.. I will now take my place, back where I belong.. I will no longer stand invincible.. I will no longer allow this war in my soul to continue... As I walk the streets at night.. I see the stares of the passerbys.. I have been released from the cage u used to bound me.. The Cage I once called my home.... I feel the smile dancing across my face..