Life or Death!

Life! Im tired of it.
I wish mine would end.
But why do i feel so selfish when those words leave my mouth?
Why is there so many people dying around me,
So many people i care for,
Leaving me in this cold world.
There's so many people that would love to stay on this Earth,
but always have their life stop short.
So i ask GOD, Why me?
Let them take my place.
I can't find the way to appreciate the life you qave me.
I know you must hate me,
I love you with all my heart,
But i guess you don't believe me.
Do you still have faith in me?
Im so close to giving up.
And i know if I give up on my life,
That's qivinq up on everythinq, even you,
Somethinq I promised I would never do.
So now im torn between the two.
Do i take my life away, the thinq that's causing me so much pain,
or do i run to God, the man I promised I'll always choose?
,...........What would my mother do?