Look at the Girl

Look at the girl whos laughing along with her friends.
Look at that girl who's cheering without a care or amends.
Look at that girl who's glowing with such a deep bred pride
Look at the girl who's bleeding deep inside.

Look at the girl with eyes so bright
Who's always there and lends her insight
Look at the girl who leads you down the path thats right
Look at the girl who cries herself to sleep at night.

You could never tell could you
Whether she was happy or sad?
When she'd start to frown she'd play it off
asif things weren't so bad.
She smiles politly to your face,
while you cut at her unintetionally with your words
And make her feelings hide
untill she's dead inside.

Look at the gitl she's smiling just for you
her loud laugh and dimpled grin are music all to you
but she's not here today
you shrug and turn on the news
turns out she killed herself last night
after one last laugh with you