Mario Bros. Inc.™

Right about now
We playin' Super Nintendo™
Our competing yells
Would slowly crescendo
Chest bumping when we scored
Doesn't matter whether it's you or me
We're team sports
Born to be wild and free
We'd crack open a beer
Dance for a while
Tell each other stories
Laugh at each other and smile
We'd passout in your basement
You'd snore loudly
I'd wake up in your arms
Your eyes glittering proudly
You'd brush my hair from my face
Gently kiss my forehead
Telling me you would love me
Until the day the last bacteria was dead
I'd laugh at the corniness
Call you a nerd
You'd tousle my hair
Call me a terd
I'd tell you I love you
You'd tell me you know
We're gonna last forever babe
That's fa sho
♠ ♠ ♠
I'd just watched Superbad so I had 'Fa Sho' stuck in my head.