A Story Of Fate

Black-painted fingernails
Hair pulled back in a ponytail
Headphones on
She's escaping reality
Life at home could be worse
Drunk of a father
Harlot of a mother
Never had a bedtime story
Or warm glasses of milk
Her brother is never home
He escaped the tragedy
Now she's alone

Quarterback star
A brand new car
Surrounded by "friends"
It's all a joke
Life at home could be worse
A dead father
A lonely mother
The house is too silent
Except for his mother's cries
His brother is too young to understand
Doesn't yet know reality
So he's by himself

She dropped a piece of paper
It flew in the wind
And in a puddle is where it landed
Across the street where a new car was parked
He picked it up
And saw what was written
A sad poem about a lonely girl
And as he stared down at the words
He started to cry
For he felt her pain of being alone
And as she stared at him from across the street
She started to cry
Because she knew he felt her pain
And they walked towards each other
As the rain started to pour
And he took her by the hand
And they lived happily together
In a world filled of hatred and betrayal