I'm Breaking That Promise

You dip your toes
Into the warm summer lake
Sinking beneath the ripples
A holding breath you take
Not so graceful
I am as you were
Though I too
Sink beneath the water
Pulling ourselves out
We'd run ourselves in
To the cornfields
Where we were forbidden
Its the middle of the day
The sun is high in the sky
But this isn't Flourescent May Skyline
So we roam the fields, in July
It's just you and me
Together, unhappily
You thought this would turn out good?
Hun, you're wrong. But I wish it could.
Now, let me make this clear
I don't know what the future holds
Nor do I know what shape it will take
But perhaps I know that I'll be there
And I know about that promise I'll break
Truth is, I don't know you
And honestly, I shouldn't care
I promise you this
I'll see you there