A Confession

To My dearest friend, My beloved...
For My darkest angel, My soul
I confess,
He spoke to me, that night you took off,
And he told me his secrets and he undressed,
To show me the dagger in his chest. And as he confessed,
I parted my lips to inhale his familiar scent.
It was like he had never left,
But we knew better, and he knew in the morning
He would set off, for her arms.
He was so bold, but not even he
Could wrestle his own heart.
And I knew our friendship was done,
All trace of emotion was gone,
Replaced with such an awful curse,
Called forbidden love.

Did you think I would forget,
What you did to me? I tried
I confess,
He took the dagger from my chest,
But as he lifted up my dress.
It was like you never left.

My dearest, you knew,
As he knows,
How fragile my soul,
How vacant my heart
When forced upon with love, or lust,
And you
Are worse than a murderer.
No, I still live,
But my mind is not here.
Yes, I still love,
But my heart is not here.

So YOU should confess,
To how you dug in your dagger,
And you watched
As I felt pain
That created a beast,
That devoured everyone I once
Called a friend.
You turned me into a monster, a fiend,
And you watched
As I tried to forget,
I tried to forget and connect with somebody else,
And I ended up destroying him as well.
And you watched
As he returned to his life,
Had a wife who left him
When she saw the scars
And you watch
As we scream, toss and turn in our sheets,
Not alone in our suffering,
But alone in our bodies.

Now confess,
Now tell them who you have hurt,
And tell them what you have caused
With your hands,
Now confess
And set us free
To reality,
A confession
Is all we need.
♠ ♠ ♠
unedited, 98