Ummm time to grow the hell up! ;)

I'm sittting here wishing for a time machine, contemplating about what could have or what should be. I’m trying to stop myself because thinking comes before misery. But I can’t help but ponder and reminise. I’m in a battle with my worst enemy named memory.

All the should of’s and could of’s begin to break me down. Missed opportunites caused by fear. When it knocks I turn the other cheak; afraid of what I might see. Didn’t even check the peep hole to take a peek. Couldn’t find my voice to speak.

Now, as I have a change of mind and begin to grow, I sit here wondering, “Where did all the time go”? Time is moving rappidly as I try to live for today but plan for tomorrow.

But I feel restricted and limited and perhaps not motivated.That urge creeps up on me to dispose of everything I’ve created because, when I look in the mirror I see flaws. I guess I’m my own worst critic. From man I search for approval, craving applause. Not being self satisfied seems pathetic.

I never knew how to dream big. I’ve been a realistic thinker because of my fear of failure. I’d put myself down so I couldn’t give that chance to others. So now I have a dilema as I desperately hunt down my purpose.

Maybe I should pray on it. Shouldn’t God reveal this? For aren’t we all one body? Someone tell me if I’m the hand or the foot. Which path to take? Which way to look?

All I know is that the sky is the limit. Can’t I reach outerspace? What am I even saying when I have no dream to chase. The sky is my limit but my feet are planted on the ground. It’s time for a change. All smiles, no frowns.

It’s time to light a fire. What I dream of is accomplishing my goals and getting higher, wanting to inspire. Something has to give. No more procrastinating. It’s time to truly live. I want to change even though I know change doesn’t come easily. But I believe for me it’ll come naturally, like fall must change to spring.Now I’m chasing with my hands wide open waiting for what change will bring.

Yes the hands on the clock are spinning while singing tick tock tick tock, which means its time to jump off the ground because I refuse to spend another day wishing it would slow down.