Sweet Dreams

As I sit here in silence, my mind seems to wander every which way
Attempting to make connections about the mysteries of life
Over analyzing situations and boundries
These spirits that roam the night, revealing themselves thru the stars
Can only shed light on so much
And a silver lining isnt what Im looking for, simply an answer
Some of life's greatest challenges are the ones we battle with ourselves
The demons that keep us awake at night cause us to beg for release
Beg for forgiveness
Because we finally begin to blame no one else, except ourselves
Let those demons out, cuz they arent welcome here
Find a way to overcome the spell you've been following for years
I only wish happiness
Especially to those who struggle the most
Life tends to be harsh, no matter how hard people try to say it's not
Cherish the little things
Cuz looking back on them.... They've become the moments you cant live without