R.I.P. Love of Mine

The only reason why I cry alone
is because I remember a love that I can't seem to forget
and nobody can really give me peace of mind
or words that can help me with this melancholy.
I don't want to be comforted any longer,
I want all these tears to fall until there's no more,
I want to cry this love out,
I want to cry you out of my system
and pretend that I didn't love you as much as I did
maybe that way living without you will get easier.
Every tear is a memory, every tear is a kiss, every tear is a hug,
every tear is a bit of the love that I feel for you,
and this tears don't want me to forget you.
And my heart misses the happiness that you used to bring,
and this ocean of tears reminds me of the depth of our once shared love.