Don't Leave Me

I see the sky turning black,
People all around me, but I'm still all alone
Why did you leave, where did you go
I'm lonely.. I love you so.

I close my eyes,
I see you smiling, but I hear someone else is crying,
Is it you, or is it me,
I don't know,what it will be,
I can't see, I can't see..

So, tell me why, tell me how,
when did you go, where did you go,
why did you leave, me all alone,
Do I deserve this, all this pain, all this pain,
Don't get me wrong, please get me right,
I love you, I don't want to fight,

Where did you go, why did you leave,
I love you, I wish you'd believe,
Look me in my eye, without you I'll die,
I will die, I'm in pain, I'm in pain,
I'm so alone, here without you,
People are all around me,
I don't know, what to do,
I don't know, where are you.

Please take my hand, we'll find our way,
let's go and dance, forget the worries of yesterday,
It'll be fine, It'll be right,
As long as we will be together.
As long as we will love, forever
♠ ♠ ♠
~ Haikeru.